North West Communities Wood Products Ltd. has appointed a new Chief Executive Officer to the North West Communities Group of Companies.

North West Communities Wood Products Ltd. was formed to advance progress in a wide range of potential local and regional economic development, business interests, and training in north-west Saskatchewan. NWC was established in 1999 to encourage the involvement and participation of five northern Métis groups in the forestry sector within their traditional territory.

Years later, the NWC grew to incorporate additional communities. La Loche, Buffalo Narrows, Ile a la Crosse, Pinehouse, The Northern Hamlet of Patuanak, Beauval, and Green Lake are currently among the seven communities that are active shareholders in the company.

Each of the organization’s seven shareholder communities selects a board member for its Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is in charge of overseeing the strategic direction of NWC’s business activities as well as choosing a CEO who is in charge of the organization’s day-to-day operations.

NWC Board Chairman Joe Daigneault said that the company’s new CEO will be taking over former CEO Nap Gardiner’s position due to him resigning.

“When I took over the chair, we hired a new CEO, and that was Nap Gardiner, and he is stepping down after seven years of service. He provided us with a very successful period, and there was a lot of growth in our company,” said Daigneault.

He said that newly appointed CEO Celine Favreau brings extensive experience to her new position.

“She does have 30 years of experience in business development and community projects; we’re feeling very optimistic with her being there with the 30 years of experience that she has and also knowing every community on the west side,” said Daigneault.

Celine Favreau, the new CEO of North West Communities Wood Products Ltd., said for the last several years she has worked as a background consultant for NWC.

“For the last three years I’ve been working more in the background as a consultant for NWC, and now that I’m taking over the position of Chief Executive Officer, I’m quite excited to be more engaged and working full time for the organization. I find the communities on the west side to be really entrepreneurial, so it’s exciting to work in the region, and I look forward to working with them and establishing a number of new opportunities,” said Favreau.

Celine Favreau was officially appointed as CEO of NWC in July.