Cameco has appointed a northern chief to their board of directors.

Chief Tammy Cook-Searson of the Lac La Ronge Indian Band has been appointed to Cameco’s board and will serve on the company’s safety, health, and environment committee along with the technical committee upon her appointment as a director.

Cook-Searson said that she was the one to reach out to Cameco for the position.

“Well, a while back I had made it known to Cameco that if any opportunities became open for a board position that I’d be interested in being considered, and then I was contacted by a recruiting firm for Cameco, and then I went through a rigorous selection process and then at the end of the selection process it went to the board, and then from there the appointment was made, and they let me know I would be on the Cameco board,” said Cook-Searson.

She said she sought out the position in the hopes of bringing a northern perspective to the company.

“I just wanted to make a difference and to bring a different perspective to the board, to be a part of the governance and the decision-making. I think it’s important to have northerners be a part of the decision-making, particularly in industry or anything that affects the north,” said Cook-Searson.

She currently sits on the boards of the Prince Albert Grand Council, the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations, the Saskatoon Airport Authority, the Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority, and the Assembly of First Nations.

Cook-Searson said she is excited and looking forward to taking part in the new position.

“I’m just really excited; I’m looking forward to the opportunity and the challenges that come with the board appointment, and I’m looking forward to representing the north and bringing my own perspective as a northerner, as a Cree woman, and growing up on the trapline, so I’m just really excited to be working with the other board members and getting to know all the different operations within the corporation and getting to know the communities too,” said Cook-Searson.