A youth mentoring initiative is taking place this summer, organized and operated by Men of The North.

The 65-Yard Challenge is a youth mentoring program that takes a select group of youth and allows them to go out and help the community by conducting one-time basic yard maintenance. The main goal of the program is to provide male youth with the opportunity to do something positive for their community as they learn skills that will benefit them when they enter the workforce.

Christopher Merasty, Founder and President of Men of the North, said the project will have groups of mentors and youth working in four different communities.

“So, the 65 Yard Challenge is a group of mentors and youth in the four communities, so we’ve got Prince Albert involved this year, we got Buffalo Narrows involved this year, and this is the fourth year for La Ronge and the second year for the Saskatoon group,” he said. “We are going around doing basic yard work, so mowing, trimming, raking, garbage clean-up, and lawn fertilizer for elders, families with disabilities, and single-parent homes are our top priorities.”

Upon completion of the project, youth participants will be able to take part in a two-day trip to Regina to take part in multiple activities such as swimming, bowling, movies, mindful meditation classes, massage therapy and then finally ending off the trip with a Saskatchewan Roughrider football game.

“Maybe next year we can involve two or three more communities, more youth, and more mentors doing basic yardwork all summer long,” said Merasty.

The program is scheduled to continue operations until August 12.

(Photo courtesy of Men of the North Facebook.)