A provincial judge has allowed parts of an application from the legal team of Dawn Walker to move forward.

Walker, allegedly faked her own death and fled to the United States last summer and now faces several charges with an upcoming trial in November.

Walker’s legal team recently filed an application where they are seeking third party records from the Saskatoon Police Service, the RCMP, and the Government of Saskatchewan they say will help with Walker’s defense.

Her legal team has said they plan to argue Walker’s alleged crimes were crimes of necessity.

In the court system, there is a three stage process for allowing third party documents in trial.

On Monday morning in a Saskatoon courtroom, Saskatchewan Justice B.J. Bauer made a decision to allow some of the requests for documents to move forward while denying others in the first stage of the process.

In his decision, Justice Bauer said he denied some of the requests as they were “Riddled with unsourced hearsay and opinion” or they were too broad in their scope.

Bauer did acknowledge Walker’s legal team’s plan for a defence of necessity and said some of the documents being sought may be relevant to this defense, so he allowed them to carry to the next stage of hearings.

The application will continue to be the subject of ongoing hearings before the trial – its contents continue to be sealed by the courts.

The next hearing is scheduled for August 9.