Cameco is working to get some of their licenses to operate in northern Saskatchewan renewed.

The Saskatoon based uranium mining company has applied to the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) for an extension. Veronica Baker, manager of external communications for Cameco explained the company is looking to get license extensions for a number of their operations in the province.

“Cameco is seeking a 20 year operating licenses from the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission for operations at McArthur River/Key Lake and Rabbit Lake in northern Saskatchewan,” she said.

Previously the company had been given 10 year licenses for their operations, which are set to expire this coming October. Baker said the company has put forward a request for 20 year licenses due to the their desire for long term certainty. Originally Cameco had asked for an indefinite licenses to operate but eventually decided to withdraw that request.

“For us at Cameco a 20 year license term would provide Cameco with the predictably and increased regulatory certainty,” she said.

As part of the renewal process Cameco will have to tell CNSC about how they plan to protect the environment along with the people working in their facilities. The commission will also be asking the company how they plan to engage with northern communities. Baker said overall the company feels good about the practices they currently have in place which will be looked on favorably.

“We’ll be showing the CNSC Commission kind of what our history of operations has been for the past 10 years at these operations,” she said.

The hearings for Cameco’s license renewal are set to go June 7 and 8 in Saskatoon at the Hilton Garden Inn. The hearings are to be streamed on the CNSC’s website.

Editors Note: This story was amended on May 2 to correct an error about the facilities covered by this license renewal application. In addition to McArthur River/Key Lake and Rabbit Lake Cameco also operates Cigar Lake, which previously had its license to operate renewed in 2021.  

(PHOTO: Cameco’s McArthur River/Key Lake mine operation. Photo provided by Cameco.)