A new policy focused on Indigenous identification at the University of Saskatchewan is now in the implementation phase.

The university has launched a new website about their new policy aimed to ensure documentation for Indigenous people holding Indigenous-specific employment positions or student scholarships.

The website will aim to share pertinent information on this new policy.

The university says verification with documentation can take many forms.

“We appreciate that Indigenous governments will guide the university on the membership/citizenship verification with documentation. The university will respect and honour these decisions,” said Dr. Airini, USask’s provost and vice-president. “Our university community is very grateful for this wisdom and support from Indigenous governments, and we look forward to continued collaboration as we implement the policy together in a good way.”

This new policy came after Carrie Bourassa, a professor at the university, had her claims to Indigenous identity come under fire in 2021. Bourassa would later resign from her position.

The policy was approved by the university’s board of governors last summer.