Members of Montreal Lake Cree Nation will have three candidates to choose from when they vote for their next chief.

Incumbent Joyce Mcleod is standing for re-election for a second term. Mcleod is being challenged for the office by Conrad Bird and Edward Henderson.

In regards to council, there are 12 candidates vying for the four seats which represent members living on reserve. The candidates include John Bird, Ricky Bird, Dean Henderson, Eleanor Henderson, Keanu Henderson, Allen Naytowhow, Arnold Naytowhow, Carol Naytowhow, Troy Naytowhow, Jeffrey Okemow, Frank Roberts, and Steven Stamp.

Four people have put their names forward for the two councillor positions which represent those living off reserve. These candidates are Jeff Badger, Tamarick Beatty, Liza Bird and Eldon Henderson.

There will not be a vote for the two councillor positions representing the Montreal Lake side of Little Red Reserve as both Charmaine Ermine and Elisa Halkett have been acclaimed.

Election day is March 31.

(Photo by Michael Joel-Hansen.)