By Roman Hayter

The Town of La Ronge is hosting an open house this month, showcasing their new Downtown Revitalization Plan.

The event will be in a come-and-go format, with La Ronge residents given the opportunity to offer feedback on the draft plan.

“Our current Town Council has deemed that it is important that we take a close look at our downtown area in La Ronge and come up with a strategy to implement workable paths that we can do to try to revitalize our downtown, improve it, and try to attract new investment,” said Jeff Long, Manager of Planning and Development with the Town of La Ronge. “Typically, in a downtown revitalization project, depending on the nature of the circumstances, that can take many different forms, whether it be more aesthetic work, redoing your downtown streets, offering business incentives to try and attract new business to vacant lots in the downtown, or providing opportunities for redevelopment of existing lots.”

The open house will be very informal for those who attend, with many of the individuals involved with the project attending the open house, including several project consultants.  “We have a questionnaire that people can fill out as well to provide us with input, and once we’ve conducted all that, the questionnaire actually concludes, and the deadline for completing that is March 22, so a week after the public open house. We will get to work on finalizing the actual downtown revitalization plan so that we can present that to Town Council either at the end of the month or in early April,” said Long.

The open house for the Town of La Ronge Downtown Revitalization Plan will be held on March 15 from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Mel Hegland Uniplex.