The Metis Nation of Saskatchewan honoured Metis veterans today.

The event took place in Batoche, and was live streamed for others to watch and to participate.

This is the second time Metis Nation-Saskatchewan has hosted an Indigenous Veterans Day service in Batoche.

We also want to recognize those veterans who fought in our communities to maintain our rights and the men and women who stand up and fight every day for our dignity as Metis and First Nations people. We want to recognize them,” said Elder Calvin Racette.

The service included the Act of Remembrance, read in Michif, Cree, and English, and took place at the Batoche Monument.

The National Metis Veterans Memorial Monument honours and commemorates over 5,000 veterans, with the names of Metis veterans being engraved onto the monument itself. The names of veterans have been collected over many years of research and collaboration with others, as well as from submissions from the friends and families of Métis veterans.

Glen McCallum, President of Metis Nation Saskatchewan, spoke about never forgetting the sacrifices others made for Canada. “We shall never forget in regards to the sacrifices some have made that didn’t come home and the people that have been recognized in this monument, the names, my uncle’s name is there, and there are a lot of names from across Canada, and today we remember you, we thank you for what you have sacrificed for this nation called Canada,” said McCallum.

MN–S leaders were joined in the laying of the wreaths by representatives from all regions of the province.