A member of Fond du Lac First Nation says he is honoured his company was the recipient of a business award in Saskatoon.

Every year, the Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce gives out the SABEX awards to recognize businesses in the region for their accomplishments.

While Joel Pedersen’s business Fitness 2J2 has been nominated in the past, this is the first year they have taken home an award – winning the 2022 SABEX award for community investment.

Pedersen says he was surprised to win the award.

“I didn’t expect to win,” Pedersen told MBC News. “I was very surprised, but grately appreciated the recognition.”

Fitness 2J2 is known for giving back to the community and providing physical health and wellness supports especially in northern Saskatchewan.

“I always appreciate the welcome I get in every community I visit,” said Pedersen. “Giving back, especially to the north, is really close to my heart and every time I have time to provide programming and awareness for the importance of physical wellness I am happy.”

Another Indigenous business also took home a SABEX award this year with Awasis Boutique winning the Mistahi Mamîcîhîtowin Award for their fostering of positive relationships with Indigenous people.

(PHOTO: Joel Pedersen of Fitness 2J2.  Photo provided.)