The Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Association is donating $125,000 to the Tony Cote Summer Games.  

“These Games are a celebration of our youth and the strength and resilience of our people and throughout the games we will honor the very powerful message that ‘Every Child Matters (which is a core theme of the Games this year),’” said SIGA CEO and President Zane Hansen.

Over 4,000 Indigenous athletes from across the province will be competing from July 24 to 30, with events being held in and around the Saskatoon region and at Whitecap Dakota First Nation.

“We are grateful to SIGA’s long-term support of the Games and stepping up as one of our Exclusive Investors/Presenting Partners for the 2022 Tony Cote First Nations Summer Games,” said James Smith Cree Nation Chief Wally Burns. James Smith Cree Nation is the official host for this year’s Summer Games.

(Photo courtesy of SIGA)