According to the Water Security Agency, Saskatchewan may see varying spring runoff conditions across the province.

Northern Saskatchewan is expected to see a normal spring runoff, while the central region can expect an above-normal snow-melt. The south, however, is looking at a below-normal runoff.

Sean Osmar, with the water security agency, says baring any drastic change in precipitation or a rapid melt the north should be fine during the spring runoff.

“As it stands now in the forecast that doesn’t look like it will be happening, so we are projected a normal amount of snow accumulation and a normal amount of runoff,” Osmar told MBC News.

While the runoff in the central region is expected to be high, the Water Security Agency isn’t projecting any flooding in the area.

The area of concern for the Water Security Agency appears to be the southern region with a lower runoff expected to negatively affect soil for crop production in the region.

The WSA says the south experienced dry conditions throughout the summer and fall of last year leading to the lower than usual runoff.

The WSA says a fast melt could help alleviate these concerns.

Officials say the spring runoff report could still change as there are still 10 weeks of winter left.

The next report will be released in March.

(PHOTO: file photo of the North Saskatchewan River.)