The Canadian Challenge Sled Dog Race will have a different look in 2021.

In the past, the event, which starts at Elk Ridge Resort and finishes in La Ronge, has featured a 12-dog race, eight-dog race and a six-dog race.

The next edition of the event will have a 10-dog race and an open race.

“The eight-dog and the 12-dog, we kind of merged them together and have a 200-mile 10-dog instead,” said Stefaan De Marie, who is the race president for the Canadian Challenge. “We of course still will have the open race that will just run about 45-50 miles.”

De Marie says the new format could lead to a more competitive event.

“We’re still hoping to start at Elk Ridge and finish in La Ronge,” said De Marie. “With the 200-mile race, I think it might be a little bit more of a competitive battle between teams because some of the eight-dog teams, they cannot put a 12-dog team together, but they might be able to put a 10-dog (team together). The race being 200 miles, they will be a lot closer together.”

The upcoming version of the Canadian Challenge is set for Feb. 17, 2021.

If you would like more information, you can check out the event’s website or social media channels.

(PHOTO: The 2020 Canadian Challenge. Photo courtesy of Brandon White.)