High water levels are coming into the Cumberland basin and potentially could cause flooding of Cumberland House.

The Water Security Agency said high groundwater in Alberta and significant rain in May and June in Northern Saskatchewan is contributing to the high levels on the Saskatchewan River.

Ron Podbielski with the WSA said that water levels are reaching previous flood conditions.

“We’ve seen the high levels kind of move through the western parts of the province over to the eastern portion. We are now seeing the affects of those levels on the Cumberland Delta in terms of high levels starting to happen there,” Podbielski explained.

Peak water levels are not expected for nine-to-ten days or around July 25.

“This water level is less than experienced in 2011 and efforts are underway to ensure flood proofing measures, commissioned after 2013, are operational.  It should be noted that flooding at Cumberland House is very dynamic and can happen in different ways, but as of this time, an evacuation is not anticipated,” stated the WSA.

Flooding preparations are underway with Cumberland House leadership and various provincial government agencies.