Premier Scott Moe said community transmission of COVID-19 in Alberta Sunday forced his hand to close all K-12 schools indefinitely Monday.

Classes are winding down this week with full closures starting next week.

Daycares at schools are also affected, but independent licensed daycares and day homes at this time are not impacted, but Moe said that could change in the coming days.

Moe stated the school closures are a proactive measure to stop the risk of coronavirus.

Parents if they can are asked to keep their children home this week.

If children are in school, they face a low risk of getting Coronavirus.

Every student will receive a final grade based on their current grade, and students will progress to their next grade level next year.  E

very student who is eligible to graduate from Grade 12 this year will graduate.

Moe is encouraging all Sask residents abroad to come home and to self-isolate for 14-days.

This recommendation comes as the province announced the seventh presumptive case.

The only details provided regarding that case is that it is a person returning from Arizona.

The Chief Medical Health Officer Dr. Saqib Shahab indicated that transmission is only confirmed to travelers.

The Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation is sending non-essential staff home, schools were shut down and Council meetings and business are done via video conferencing and email. A

ll First Nations facilities will be disinfected and that the pandemic plan is being implemented.

Chief Peter Beatty said the First Nation is taking all measures to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The federal government has announced border closures, prohibiting people who display coronavirus symptoms from entering the country and all international flights will be funneled to four Canadian International airports.