Métis Nation-Saskatchewan (MN-S) has committed $750,000 to move along the mapping process pertinent to advancing discussions with Canada forward on outstanding Métis land claims in Saskatchewan.

The announcement was made by Métis Nation-Saskatchewan President Glen McCallum during his closing remarks at the Métis Rights conference which finished this past weekend at the Saskatoon Inn and Conference Centre.

“This investment will kick-start the research process that will provide evidence of historic Métis land use that we need to be able to seriously negotiate a settlement with Canada,” McCallum said.

The funding will be used to address Métis land claim concerns throughout the province.

“This is about Métis people throughout Saskatchewan to address and reconcile lands inherently belonging to our Métis citizens under our Section 35 rights,” McCallum said.

Over 400 people attended the Métis Rights conference which started on Friday and concluded on Saturday.

Métis Nation-Saskatchewan has posted a news release on their website that says the conference “provided the opportune backdrop for the dialogue that lead to the announcement.”

(PHOTO: Left to right, are Crown-Indigenous Relations Minister Carolyn Bennett and MN-S President Glen McCallum in Saskatoon. Photo courtesy of Julia Burns.)