A Saskatchewan court has ruled Mary Ann Morin is still the treasurer of the Métis Nation-Saskatchewan.

Morin has been embroiled in a battle with MN-S President Glen McCallum and other members of the executive for more than two years over whether she actually resigned or not.

The MN-S alleges a September 2017 email Morin sent to McCallum confirms her resignation.

However, Morin says the email was only to put forward a motion at an upcoming provincial council meeting with threat to resign if certain conditions of accountability were not met.

In his ruling, Justice Gary Meschishnick agrees with Morin this email and subsequent others she sent to provincial council members show she never intended to resign outright.

Meschishnick also says the fact that Morin waited until May 2019 to launch her court case should have no bearing on the outcome and based on evidence provided, he was unable to determine whether the MN-S acted in bad faith or not.

In a letter posted on her Facebook page, Morin praised the decision saying, “The justice system still works for all Métis people and it certainly worked for me today, that the courts agreed that I did not resign and am still Métis Treasurer of Saskatchewan.”

In a statement on its website, the MN-S says it plans to appeal.

The decision was released at Prince Albert Court of Queen’s Bench on Monday.

(PHOTO: Mary Ann Morin pictured here at Prince Albert Court of Queen’s Bench in December 2019. Photo by Brendan Mayer.)