Pressure is continuing to mount on the provincial health officials to be more transparent in the location of new COVID-19 cases.

As of Sunday, the province reported 52 cases, 21 in Saskatoon, 19 in Regina and three in the North.

Some Treaty 4 Chiefs gathered Friday to discuss their concerns.

“In order for us, not only Indigenous, but non-Indigenous people to be extra cautious in our daily lives, we need to know which towns, villages and hamlets are impacted and where those people with COVID-19 are,” said Pasqua Chief Todd Peigan. “I’m talking about making us aware, because if we don’t the community transmission of this dreadful virus will escalate. Then we will all be seriously be impacted.”

The Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations echoed the same sentiments last week.  “This information is vital to the health and safety of the people in those areas, both First Nations and non-First Nations” said FSIN Chief Bobby Cameron. “The public deserves to know the locations of these cases so that the public can be more aware and take extra precautions to protect everyone around them. This lack of transparency and secrecy is causing more unnecessary panic and fear.”

For the most part health officials have been releasing location and other details. Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Saqib Shahab suggested last week that greater transparency could be coming soon.