Mosquito Grizzly Bear’s Head Lean Man First Nation will soon be launching three new companies that will create jobs in the area.

The First Nation plans to open a gas bar and convenience store, security company and construction company.

“It will further enhance our First Nation in regards to economic development, business development and job opportunities,” says Mosquito Grizzly Bear’s Head Lean Man First Nation band manager Michelle Daniels. “It is positive for our people.”

The security company will initially offer security services on the reserve but plans to branch out to other communities.

“We do need security,” says Daniels. “We need it at our school and over at our band office to ensure our community is safe.”

The First Nation hopes to open the Three Nations Gas Bar and Convenience Store by November.

“We don’t have a gas bar here,” he says. “Having a place to get gas would be great.”

The construction company’s initial goal is to build 20 homes in the community in 20 months.

“The construction company will give us the ability to employ our people to renovate houses or build the houses that we need,” says Daniels.

The three companies are expected to employ a total of approximately three dozen workers.

(PHOTO: Mosquito Grizzly Bear’s Head Lean Man First Nation sign. Photo courtesy of the Mosquito Grizzly Bear’s Head Lean Man First Nation Facebook page.)