The Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations says it is disgusting that racist messages were found at a First Nations culture camp.

Participants at a Yellow Quill First Nation Camp recent located the hand-written signs with one containing the phrase “useless Indian,” and other messages directed towards the late Colten Boushie.

“This is yet another validation that racism is still very much thriving in Saskatchewan.  None of our children are born into this world having hate towards other people because of their skin colour,” said FSIN Chief Bobby Cameron.

The signs were located on the first day of a five-day traditional learning camp.

The Yellow Quill First Nation has expressed anger and frustration at the signs.

“Racism is learned behavior.  It’s disturbing to see that these families and children have to be exposed to this type of hatred at a gathering that is supposed to revitalize the culture and traditions that we lost through years of assimilation and genocide.  This camp is supposed to teach our youth about their traditions and identity as First Nations people, but now it is also teaching them about the reality of growing up with racism in Saskatchewan,” Cameron stated.

(Photo: Signs found at Yellow Quill First Nation culture camp. Courtesy of Crystal Peequaquat Facebook)