A Youth Action for Prevention Program is getting a financial boost from the provincial government to help more youth in northern Saskatchewan with alcohol-related issues.

The alcohol prevention program in the north is receiving $100,000 from the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority (SLGA).

The Saskatchewan Prevention Institute is using the funding to hire a new program coordinator based in La Ronge.

“We’re pleased to be partnering with the provincial government to expand a program that works to build capacity among youth, adult allies and communities in order to support positive change and reduce harms experienced through alcohol use,” said Saskatchewan Prevention Institute Executive Director Joelle Schaefer in a release. “The additional funding allows the Prevention Institute to better work directly with youth and communities across the north.”

The Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Corrections and Policing are also providing in-kind support for the program.

“As a government, we are continuing to work with northern communities to address alcohol-related harms through local solutions,” said Gene Makowsky, the minister responsible for SLGA in a release. “This program will help young people in the north make informed decisions about the responsible use of alcohol while also encouraging them to raise awareness among their peers and community members.”

(PHOTO: Gene Makowsky. Photo courtesy of Dan Jones.)