On the heels of strong job numbers in the province, Aboriginal, Métis and First Nations unemployment fell in September, but has been on the rise over the past year.

According to figures released by the Saskatchewan Bureau of Stats Friday, The First Nations Labour Force (the amount of people able to work) increased (22,400 from 21,800) as too did the employment (17,000 from 16,500) from month to month.

The unemployment rate dropped slightly from 24.3 percent to 24.2 percent. In September 2017, the unemployment rate was 19.8 percent.

For the Métis, the Labour Force, the number employed, unemployed and the unemployment rate fell from August to September, but year-over-year, unemployment increased one percent to 10.2 percent.

For the Aboriginal employment statistics, all categories saw monthly decreases, yet the yearly unemployment rate went up 2.3 percent. For the economic region of Prince Albert and the North, 97,600 people were working in September, down from 98,500 from August.

In September of 2017, there were 96,300 people on job sites. The province reports over the past year 9400 jobs were created, the largest increase since October 2014.

Full-time employment increased by 5,700 jobs and part-time employment increased by 3,700 jobs compared to a year ago, with 2500 jobs in September.

(PHOTO: Courtesy of Cameco Facebook)