It’s been a week since the Court of Queen’s Bench in Regina ruled against the protesters of the Justice for Our Stolen Children camp from Wascana Park, ordering that the camp be dismantled within a reasonable amount of time.

Since then, the approximately 12 teepee’s started to come down, with the camp being vacated late Wednesday.

Premier Scott Moe says he is pleased with how the camp respected the court decision. “We are pleased that things have turned out the way they have. I commend those involved with the camp for dismantling it the way that they did,” Moe stated.

The protesters are not banished from the grounds, free to return daily to continue to voice their message for institutionalized change in how First Nations people are treated in the child welfare and justice systems.

Moe says the concerns raised by the group are being heard by the provincial government.

Their voices have been heard and there are active conversations within the government of Saskatchewan with respect to the files that they have raised. We continue to work with leadership across this province, Aboriginal and otherwise,” Moe explained.

With the teepee’s now gone, one camp supporter on the groups Facebook page, called on the government to meet with them in good faith.

(PHOTO: A teepee frame remained Thursday at Wascana Park. Credit Dan Jones)