The protesters at the Justice for Our Stolen Children camp at Wascana Park say they are disappointed with the Saskatchewan government’s response to their lists of concerns raised at a joint meeting in Fort Qu’Appelle July 2.

The government released its response to the protesters July 13, essentially outlining the ongoing work to address issues with Indigenous child welfare, justice, adoptions and foster care. Those responses ranged from that the government is already working on the issues raised to ensuring children in care safety.

“The things that they are saying they are doing we do not see that on the ground. We want to hear from them. We want to see the data. We want to see evidence that the numbers actually reflect what they say they are doing,” said Robyn Pitawanakwat, a camp spokesperson.

The government’s response also warned that if the camp remained, it would be removed. On Monday, the camp filed documents in the Court of Queen’s Bench, arguing the provincial government and Regina police breached the campers Charter rights of freedom of expression and unjustifiable imprisonment.

The camp is vowing to stay at the park.

“They indicated that if we’d been heard that it was time for us to pack up and go home. It’s clear from every response they have given that we haven’t been heard. The issues we have brought forward have been glossed over and ignored,” Pitawanakwat explained.

The camp and the government will be Regina court August 23.

(PHOTO: Justice for Our Stolen Children camp. Photo by Dan Jones.)