Two weeks after meeting with the Justice for our Stolen Children camp, the provincial government has responded to the protesters’ demands.

In terms of children in care, the government says it posts this information to the social services ministry website yearly.

A formal review on possible family reunification for children in long-term care is conducted annually and in-home supports are provided based on family needs.

Attorney General Don Morgan says halting adoptions is out of the question, citing child safety.

The government adds it does not work in isolation when determining adoptions.

It consults with the Saskatchewan Foster Families Association and the province has established agreements with 17 First Nations Child and Family Service agencies.

The government also says an inquiry into the death of Haven Dubois will not be held at this time and is refusing further comment until after the release of an ombudsman’s report into how the coroner’s office handled the case.

The protesters have also asked for an inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous men and boys.

The government says it would be open to supporting a federal inquiry after the Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls is completed.

The province says in its July 13 response to the protesters that their concerns will be taken forward to Indigenous leaders and others.

In its statement, the government concludes, “The Government of Saskatchewan’s expectation continues to be that the unpermitted camp will be removed from Wascana Park.”

The protesters are expected to respond Tuesday.

(PHOTO: Teepees at the Justice for our Stolen Children camp at Wascana Park, by Dan Jones)