Crime reduction, property taxes and upcoming municipal projects were among the topics of discussion last night at a public meeting held in Air Ronge.
The gathering organized by the Village of Air Ronge started off with a presentation by RCMP Sergeant Josh Hallett.
He had a rundown of statistics for crime in the community, including the number of calls made and the nature of the calls.
A large number of those calls had to do with theft and vandalism and Mayor Gordon Stomp says the crime situation is getting worse.
“Like, the vandalism and the drugs and the related social issues, we try to bring our community members together to work as well as we can,” said Stomp. “We ask the RCMP what enforcement processes might be a little different or how they could enhance what they are doing.”
Stomp says he and other people in Air Ronge are waiting to see what changes are made in La Ronge regarding a change to liquor regulations.
“We’re not going to see major changes immediately, but maybe we could set an example within the region that we are concerned as people and maybe we could change a few things that might make a difference.”
Stomp also says the Citizens on Patrol Program will be revitalized and it could use as many volunteers as possible.
Highlights for the upcoming year will include upgrades at Heritage Park, clearing some fire guards in that area and a new $300,000 recycling garbage pickup system.
(PHOTO: Meeting last night. Photo by David Smith.)