Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations Chief Bobby Cameron and officials with the Canadian Light Source met in Saskatoon today to sign a memorandum of understanding.
The MOU is intended to recognize the importance of Indigenous culture and how it connects to the fields of math and science.
The agreement also ratifies a commitment between the two groups to collaborate on programs that bring science to the youth.
“The MOU is a collaboration that promotes the importance of First Nations culture and traditional knowledge,” said Cameron.
The CLS works with the FSIN to bring education on math and science to remote and northern Indigenous communities in the province.
“We know kids benefit from early exposure to science. To be able to coordinate our efforts with the FSIN to reach even more youth is a fantastic opportunity,” said CLS Science Director Dean Chapman. “That’s really what this program is about, is to turn it from being just telling people stuff to questioning. I think bringing new perspectives to that is very important.”
The science programs that are collaborated on by the two organizations will continue to run for another five years as a part of the MOU.
(PHOTO: FSIN Chief Bobby Cameron and CLS Science Director Dean Chapman sign the MOU. Photo by Travis Radke.)