Plans for the year were laid out at the Art Hauser Centre today for Prince Albert Mayor, Greg Dionne’s, State of the City Address.

The speech was the highlight of a lunch put on by the Prince Albert chamber of commerce.

Topics covered by Dionne included upcoming events, city projects and how to deal with drugs and gang violence in the community.

Mayor Greg Dionne and MLA’s from the area sat at the event’s head table.

Although nobody from the PAGC was able to attend, positions at the head table had been designated for chief Brian Hardlotte and vice chief Joseph Tsannie. Mayor Greg Dionne appeared remiss that they were unable to attend but noted that his relationship with the council is very strong.

“We’ve been in contact after the election. It’s probably been the best communications I’ve had with the grand council, we’ve had personal (and) private meetings,” remarked the mayor. “He answered a cell phone call the other day about appointing someone to our hiring committee for the police commission.”

A member of the PAGC is scheduled to be a part of a committee that will select the new chief of police when the current head of the force, Troy Cooper, leaves next month.

This is the fourth year that the mayor has provided by the address.

(PHOTO: Mayor Greg Dionne gives his speech. Photo courtesy Travis Radke)