An appeals tribunal has ruled that one of two men claiming to be the chief in Montreal Lake does not owe the band any money.

Frank J. Roberts, who has been acting as the chief since being acclaimed in a disputed, November by-election, says that keeps him as the band’s chief until at least January 25, when the band tribunal will hear another challenge to Roberts’ claim.

“I am not too worried about that,” says Roberts “But the tribunal felt it best that they hear it out.”

Today’s ruling by the tribunal is seen favourably by the acting chief.

“Right now we’re ready to go to work. I have the blessing of the band members,” remarked Roberts.

The question of whether Roberts owed the band money prompted the previous administration to not recognize the November by-election as legitimate.

Indigenous Affairs still lists Edward Henderson as the band’s chief on the department’s website.

In an email to MBC News, the department wrote: “Montreal Lake First Nation conducts its elections under a custom code process, and governance matters should be resolved in accordance with the processes outlined in their Custom Election Code.

Henderson has been calling for a new election at the end of the month to settle the dispute once and for all.

Henderson was not immediately available for comment.

(PHOTO: Montreal Lake Cree Nation office. Photo by Travis Radke)