Auditor Judy Ferguson. Photo courtesy of Manfred Joehnck.

Provincial Auditor, Judy Ferguson, says about 20 government agencies do not have sufficient disaster plans for critical IT systems and are not removing user access quick enough.

Ferguson released her 2017 volume two report today, which includes audits of 170 agencies. Most are doing a pretty good job she concludes, but there are some areas of concern.

Wildfire detection was among them. Ferguson says the environment department needs to do a better job of cataloguing values at risk, which includes things like people, homes, cabins and businesses. She also says there needs to be an updated list of commercial ventures that operate in the north during wildfire season.

She generally gives good grades to health regions for managing finances, with the exception of the Keewatin Yatthe Health Authority in the north, which still does not have written agreements with organizations it gives money to. The auditor also says better financial accounting procedures need to be implemented for the Northern Municipal Trust Account, which gets about $22 million in provincial funding.

Sask. Housing was red flagged for the standard of its units, most of which are rated in poor condition. There were also concerns raised that those most in need were not necessarily the ones to be placed first.

Employee absenteeism was also raised as a big problem for the Saskatchewan Gaming Corporation, as well as the Heartland Health Authority in central-rural Saskatchewan.

The auditor also says justice needs to do a better job dealing with a backlog of cases in the provincial court system, and there needs to be better monitoring of inmate rehabilitation efforts.

Her report was released this morning.