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Sixteen bravery awards were handed out during a ceremony at Government House in Regina this afternoon.

Three of the recipients put their lives at risk to enter burning homes on Saskatchewan First Nations, which ended up saving the lives of three people.

Two constables with the Loon Lake detachment were called out to the Makwa Sahgaiehcan First Nation to investigate an assault complaint March 1. When they got there, constables Landon Bueckart and Tayte Hale-Goddard, discovered the house was on fire. They went inside and rescued an unconscious man and a woman.

The man, who was intoxicated, re-entered the burning house and had to be rescued a second time. This time, the only way to get him out was through a window. Both officers had to be treated for smoke inhalation. They were awarded the Bronze Medal for Bravery this afternoon.

Clark Whitecalf, who was awarded a Silver Medal for Bravery last year, was given the Queen’s Certificate for Bravery today. He went into a burning home on the Sweetgrass First Nation on August 31, 2015, and rescued an 18-year-old unconscious woman.

The house was heavily involved in flames, and thick, choking smoke when he crawled inside and made his way to the victim. Whitecalf suffered severe smoke inhalation and had to be hospitalized. The woman also suffered smoke inhalation, as well as severe burns.

The Royal Canadian Humane Association Awards were handed out today by Lieutenant Governor Vaughn Schofield.

The association recognizes Canadians, who through their alertness, skill and concern, save or attempt to save a life, especially where those actions lie outside the ordinary duties of the person involved.