Event poster. Photo courtesy of Facebook.

World-class dancers will be making a stop in La Ronge on Thursday as a part of a new event hosted by Northlands College.

Dancers from across Saskatchewan and as far away as California, will be participating in Jingles, Feathers and Dancing: Northern Edition.

Event organizer and member of the college’s new cultural council, Jordyn Burnouf, says the event is part of a wider initiative for better cultural inclusion at the college.

“That is one of the big goals for us on the college this year,” said Burnouf. “To promote more culture and practice it in every event and every process of our work.”

With an Aboriginal enrollment rate of over 90 per cent, Burnouf says the new push for more cultural inclusion is all about identity.

“We have the Metis culture, we have the Dene and Cree and we want to display those throughout the year,” she said. “We thought a pow wow would be a fun way to celebrate culture and showcase some of the talent we have in the area and in our province.”

The event takes place at the Urban Treaty Grounds in La Ronge and will begin at noon. Everyone is welcome.