A photo from a Southend RCMP blitz in early July. Photo supplied by RCMP.

The RCMP says 15 people have been charged and liquor with a street value of $6,380 was seized last week during a two-day liquor and traffic enforcement blitz in the Pelican Narrows, Sandy Bay, Southend and Creighton regions.

The RCMP says the charges after the Thursday and Friday seizures include canvassing, possession and bootlegging, but there were also seven traffic safety act violations issued and one criminal code arrest warrant executed after 879 vehicles were checked.

In a news release, the RCMP said people can expect more initiatives in northern communities in 2017, and “The primary objective is to disrupt the supply of alcohol destined for illegal resale in northern Saskatchewan communities.”

Saskatchewan Environment helped in the blitz.

The RCMP asks anyone with related information to contact their local detachment or call Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS(8477), text Sasktel at *8477, or submit a tip online.