PBCN Chief Peter Beatty addressing the AFN Special Assembly.  Photo courtesy AFN.ca

Chiefs gathered at the AFN Special Assembly in Gatineau, Quebec on Wednesday passed a resolution aimed to reduce youth suicides.

The motion was put forward by several northern Saskatchewan chiefs including Lac la Ronge Indian Band Chief Tammy Cook-Searson, Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation Chief Peter Beatty and Prince Albert Grand Council Chief Ron Michel.

The resolution called for the development of a multi-year First Nations mental health framework guided by First Nation communities. It also calls for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to recognize the suicide situation in First Nation communities as a national crisis.

Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation Chief Peter Beatty addressed the assembly as they discussed the resolution.

“I think that it is very important that we keep our focus and attention on this issue because we can’t just forget about it once the media attention is focused somewhere else,” says Chief Beatty.

PAGC Chief Ron Michel spoke on what some elders have said to him during the crisis.

“Some of the elders were saying the last tragedies they had were tuberculosis and small pox and now they see this vast area of drugs and alcohol and suicides,” says Michel. “Now our elders are trying to figure out what happened.”

Chief Beatty believes the resolution will help adress what he feels are a lack of necessary resources in the north.

“We lack the infrastructure needed for the long-term holistic healing of our members affected by these tragic events, facilities that would provide with an approach that will include our traditions, medicines and beliefs along with western concepts of healing,” he says.

Chief Tammy Cook-Searson has been lobbying for the development of a wellness centre in La Ronge for several months.