Current and former northern Saskatchewan female leaders. Photo by Chelsea Laskowski

Past and present northern Saskatchewan chiefs have received a reminder that their leadership as women is valued.

This week there was a special ceremony for current and former female chiefs Prince Albert Grand Council’s annual assembly.

Black Lake Chief Coreen Sayazie was among those received hand-made shawls and purses in recognition of their service. The Ironswing drummers played an honour song for them as well.

Sayazie was elected three months ago and is the first-ever female chief of Black Lake. She decided to run for politics after working with band council for 28 years.

“I feel as a woman that they need women leaders to listen to our Elders, our youth, our community members and to bring people to work together,” she said.

Three other former chiefs who live in the far north were delayed on their journey to the PAGC annual assembly due to whiteout road conditions on Monday.

So, on Tuesday, Former Fond du Lac Chief Caroline Isadore, former Hatchet Lake Chief Genevieve Besskaystare, and the former Hatchet Lake Chief Flora Natomagan

Natomogan says events like this are meaningful.

“It’s good to show people because women have a heart for what happens in the home, and it’s like that in the leadership program.

Natomagan says Besskaystare, as the first female chief of Hatchet Lake, paved the way for more female leadership in the community.

A video of the honour song is available here.