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A ceremonial walking stick designed by a Saskatchewan First Nations chief will be given to the University of Alberta at the second annual Building Reconciliation Forum later this week.

The University of Saskatchewan was the host of the first ever Building Reconciliation forum last year, which looks at how universities can respond to the TRC’s calls to action for reconciliation.

The walking stick was designed by Chief Wallace Fox of Onion Lake, a First Nation that spans both provinces.

A formal transfer ceremony will see the walking stick formally presented to U of A President David Turpin by U of S Chancellor Blaine Favel.

“The walking stick is a symbol of gathering and truth telling,” says Favel.  “It is fitting that this gift is given as representatives from across the country gather in Edmonton to discuss this matter that affects us all:  reconciliation between Indigenous people and Canada.”

The transfer ceremony will officially kick off the Building Reconciliation forum, which begins at the U of A campus on Wednesday.