Photo by Manfred Joehnk

A group of grannies took to the streets of North Central Regina today to march against racism.

Organizer, Phyllis Kretschmer, says they are promoting peace, unity, and cooperation.

She says the recent on-line rants following the shooting of a Colton Boushie near Biggar in August was part of the motivation behind the walk.

“And I don’t like to hear comments like that, you know, like we breed like rabbits, thats hurtful, “ she said. “And our First Nations people feel a little resentful.”

Kretschmer is 80 and she has seen a lot of racism in her time. She says it is something she hopes her grandchildren and great grandchildren don’t have to experience.

Her message is one of tolerance and unity.

“We are not mad about anything or anybody, I just would like to love up everybody if I could.”

Despite rainy weather about 50 people took part in the walk which was organized by the group intercultural grandmothers.