The town of La Ronge is taking a stand against the discrimination being faced by people in Russia.

For the past week cities and provinces across Canada have been flying Rainbow flags as a show of protest against laws in Russia, that discriminate against people based on their sexual orientation.

Mayor Thomas Sierzycki says a vote to raise a rainbow flag outside city hall passed unanimously at city council, and it will go up on Tuesday:

“So for us we’re a little bit late because it is halfway through the games however we did have a council meeting to make sure all of council was on board and I’m proud to say all councilors felt this was a good show of solidarity.”

He adds La Ronge is an inclusive centre that welcomes all people regardless of things like skin colour, social standing or sexual orientation.

He says they’re just waiting to get the flag from Saskatoon.

It will fly until the games have wrapped up.