Legal action has been filed over new Federal legislation on First Nations schooling.

Chiefs in Quebec filed a judicial review yesterday against the First Nations Control over First Nations education act.

Ghislain Picard, is the chief of the Assembly of First Nations of Quebec.

He says the consultation process was not adequate and the review asks whether Canada has respected the principles of informed consent.

It was just days ago the government announced bands would soon be given control over the education file, and that it was lifting the 2% cap on education.

However Picard says much of that money is coming out of other Aboriginal programs:

“Remember what this government did since being in power?  First action that they did was to slash $160 million from native languages (fund) in 2006, and I don’t even count all the cutbacks our nations have been facing over the last seven years.”

He says the chiefs are also worried that the money seems to be wrapped up in the legislation itself.