Some workers at the Cigar Lake uranium mine are being tested for tuberculosis after a contractor was recently diagnosed with the illness.

Company officials say the contractor was at home when he discovered he had TB and is said to be recovering.

A spokesperson for Cameco says the company is working closely with TB Control to determine who the man may have come into contact with.

Carey Hyndman says they became aware of the diagnosis on July 25 and the situation is under control.

“Although we’re concerned about it, we’ve been told it’s a low-risk situation for us,” she says.

At the same time, a doctor with the Saskatoon Health Region says tests for TB can be carried out at clinics around the province.

Dr. Julie Kryzanowski says TB often lies dormant in people and isn’t a problem.

She says the risk of transmission is low.

“So people who are exposed may become infected but the bacteria lies dormant within them and it doesn’t become a problem for most people,” she says.

Kryzanowski says symptoms for people who contract the active form of TB include a cough, fever, night sweats and unexplained weight loss.