This year’s wild-fur season is drawing to a close.

Dave Bewick of North American Fur Auction says this year will go down as one of the best ever.

“I would say it’s up there with the best.  I remember 1987 was a pretty darn, good year.  That’s when lynx were up over a $1,000 and fishers were averaging $300 – $400. There was some pretty nice prices then, but this comes very close to that.”

He says strong demand from China helped them clear nearly 100% of their pelts in their most recent auction.

He says the average price for muskrat was $14, with a top price of $30.

Prices for lynx were up from a similar offering in February while sables also rebounded nicely after two mediocre showings at other auction houses.

Bewick says China is responsible for much of this year’s surge, buying 70 to 75% of their inventory.

He says there is one minor problem with the beaver though.

They’re having trouble finding enough outlets that can do proper dressing for the hide.

Bewick says they’re working to address tanning quality with two companies in china.

He expects markets to remain strong overall.