The Canadian Challenge Sled Dog Race is officially underway.

Sixteen sled-dog teams began leaving the starting point at Red Wing School, just north of Prince Albert, earlier this afternoon.

The teams are made up of five 8-dog teams, nine 12-dog teams, a junior entry and one open category.

The 12-dog teams will travel a total of 500 kilometres this week while the 8-dog teams will finish in La Ronge.

The other teams will go as far as Elkridge resort.

Dave Smallwood is a race-official with the event, he says today’s chilly weather is ideal for the dogs.

“Oh exactly, minus 20 is probably their optimum and they’re going to be headed into the north country on a nice cold day – they are just going to be flying down this trail,” he says.

Red Deer’s Jillian Taylor is a four-time veteran of the dog sled race.

This year she’s competing in the 8-dog race, a category she’s never entered before, and says being prepared is the key to success.

“You never know what’s going to happen, anything can happen, so I think just lots of preparation – hoping for the best but and planning for the worst is key – you can never be too prepared,” she says.

The racers will make it to their first checkpoint today which is Anglin Lake and then on to Elkridge after that.