A well-known Saskatchewan First Nation Chief is planning a trip to eastern Canada.

Onion Lake Cree Nation Chief Wallace Fox has plans to visit Attawapiskat First Nation Chief Theresa Spence in Ontario.

Spence is currently on a hunger strike in protest of the federal government’s omnibus budget bill.

Fox says the federal government has been removing First Nations rights through a piece-meal process for years but the long-term objective is to remove the sovereign status of First Nation states.

Spence’s protest is part of the larger cross-Canada Idle No More rallies which speak out against legislative changes by the Harper government in the areas of land and water.

Fox says he plans to attend an Idle No More Rally in Ottawa on Friday after visiting Spence.

A group of citizens in Regina have also organized a bus trip to Ottawa in support of the Idle No More cause.

The bus will include people form northern Saskatchewan, Alberta and Manitoba.

It leaves Regina for Ottawa tonight.