A total of 21 graduates from two Saskatoon Aboriginal employment training programs are now looking for work.

Seven graduated from the Aboriginal Heavy Equipment Operator and 1A licence pre-employment training program.

Another 14 graduated from the Atoske Summer Training Program for students 16 to 19 years of age.

Students in the Atoske program learned sport, culture, recreation and life skills.

Lynne Lacroix oversees the program.

She says grads have done well since it began running in 2008:

“We’ve seen some great success of the past graduates, where they’ve gone on to get employment with our city summer playground/paddling pool programs.  We’ve had some that were successful in getting contract work at the White Buffalo Youth Lodge here in Saskatoon.  And some have found some employment with some other summer camp program.”

In order to run the programs, the City of Saskatoon partnered with many groups — including the Saskatoon Tribal council.