Cameco Corporation held a meeting in Pinehouse last night to discuss the Key Lake extension environmental process.

The company is seeking approval to increase annual production capacity of the Key Lake mill and to increase the capacity of the Deilmann tailings management facility.

Pinehouse’s former Mayor Greg Ross was at the meeting and says he still has concerns about the environmental review process:

“The communities and the people in it are as much a part of the environment as (anything) else.  So they can’t say we’re going to do an environmental assesssment without involving community and the people, and they’re still doing that.  So the environmental considerations, I think they’re pretty dedicated ’cause everybody cares about the environment these days.  But they can’t have it stand alone.  Northerners have to be part of the environmental consideration and they’re not there yet.  Neither federal or provincial are going to go that way yet.”

Ross says he would also like to see a system developed which would allow disabled people to work at mine sites.