P.A. Teen Mistakenly Bitten By Police Dog: Family

Friday, September 02, 2011 at 14:39



The family of a northern Saskatchewan teenager claims he was bitten by a police dog in Prince Albert last night.


Elise Highway and her 16-year-old brother are originally from Pelican Narrows, but live on Branion Drive.


Highway says she was reclining on their couch around 11:45 p.m. when she heard him screaming her name.


She says she ran outside and saw a police officer pinning the teenager to the ground.


Highway says the officer then ran a check on her brother’s name, but it came up clean.


She says the officer was apparently chasing after a suspect when he came across her brother who had been visiting a relative’s place on the same street.


Highway says her brother was bitten by a K-9 police dog during the encounter, and there are a couple of bite marks on his arm.


She says he went for a tetanus shot today, and is doing OK.


Highway says the family is upset the officer didn’t apologize to the boy for the bite, and thinks they deserve an apology.


For its part, the Prince Albert police department confirms in an e-mail that there was a canine deployment in the area last night.


However, there is no mention of the boy in the report.


The police department advises the family that there is not much else they can do unless a formal complaint is laid.