Metis Site Receives Provincial Designation

Monday, August 29, 2011 at 15:16



 A Metis Settlement from the 1930’s has officially been designated by the government as a provincial heritage site.


On Friday the president and members of Fish Lake 108 celebrated the milestone at the site.


The property is located near Emma Lake and contains the remains of 12 Metis homesteads that were established after the turn of the century.


Local president Bryan Lee says they had been working for three years to get Fish Lake recognized, and they’re pleased it finally happened.


“And so July 15th of this year is when we got the letter from minister Bill Hutchinson that in fact the property is now a provincial heritage property which is similar to property in the Batoche area.”


Lee adds a member of the MNS executive was on hand to mark the occasion along with descendants of the families that used to live there.