Unregistered Indians Now Able To Apply For Status

Tuesday, February 01, 2011 at 14:57



Indian Affairs says it is ready to receive applications from people who want to regain their Indian status.


Bill C-3 went into effect yesterday.


It allows the grandchildren of Native women who married non-Native men to apply for First Nations citizenship.


INAC says once registered, applicants will have access to federal benefits and services for registered Indians.


Spokeswoman Genevieve Guibert says non-status Indians wanting citizenship must meet certain criteria.


First, their grandmother had to have lost her Indian status as a result of marry a non-Aboriginal man.


As well, one of their parents must be registered or entitled to be registered under sub-section 6(2) of the Indian Act.


Also, either they or one of their siblings had to have been born after September 4th, 1951.


Guibert says they need people to contact them.


She says that includes applying online, over the phone or in person at any Indian Affairs region office.


The government says approximately 45,000 people will become newly entitled to registration as a result of the legislation.