Mayor Asks Province to Look into Rink Power

Thursday, February 03, 2011 at 15:21



The mayor of Big River is calling on the province to look into power issues the community has been having at its rink.


The community received a rink grant to install a geothermal unit but has had problems with it from the get go: first, it cost an additional $17,000 to upgrade a power line, and while the unit was being installed, there were fluctuations in power.


Mayor Brian Brownfield says within a month, a motor burnt out.


After raising the issue at this week’s Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association convention, he says he was assured by the ministry responsible for SaskPower that it would be looked into.


Brownfield is concerned about who has the warranty: the people who installed it say it’s not their fault or the fault of the motor because they say SaskPower isn’t giving enough power.


But, Brownfield says SaskPower says nothing is wrong.