Chief Echoes Calls for Resignation
Thursday, March 03, 2011 at 14:46
The lone former FSIN chief who did not sign a letter issued yesterday to the media, renewing calls for Chief Guy Lonechild’s resignation, says he echoes the calls for him to step down, but didn’t agree with how it was handled.
Little Black Bear Chief Perry Bellegarde says the letter, signed by Alphonse Bird, Blaine Favel, Lawrence Joseph, Sol Sanderson and Roland Crowe, should have been sent to Lonechild directly, so he had to the chance to respond, rather than it being sent to the media.
However, Bellegarde says he would like to see Lonechild step down to maintain the integrity of the office, noting it’s not a personal attack on Lonechild, but that drugs and alcohol have harmed First Nations people, and the person holding Office of the Chief needs to be a role model.
Bellegarde says his band council has passed one of the 25 band council resolutions needed to bring forth a non-confidence motion that could see Lonechild removed.
He isn’t sure if there are 25 yet.